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This 20-30 hour course is designed for PhD students and researchers. The course takes place via Zoom (max. 24 participants) and/or face-to-face (max. 40). Through a stimulating and fun mix of resources, participants learn how to write a scientific paper, do a presentation (conference and online), and interact via email with editors, reviewers, professors and colleagues. The course is regularly voted top course of the year by PhD students.
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This 4-hour course via Zoom is intended for researchers who wish to translate their work into English. The course teaches you how to maximise the potential of Google Translate’s basic features. You will learn that Google Translate is probably considerably more accurate than you are ... provided you take some essential preliminary measures with the source language. This course will pay for itself when you realise you can write directly in your own language, then translate it with Google, and finally check the result with a series of practical guidelines. You will never need a professional mother-tongue translator again!
This course is also suitable for ELT/ESL teachers who wish to increase their income by doing translations.
Many native English teachers are called upon to do courses for university students on how to write papers and do presentations, often with very unsatisfying results - both for the students and the teachers. Teaching EAP is a very specific skill, much more so than teaching, for instance, Business English. This 20-hour course via Zoom will give you some very practical ideas about how to improve your students’ writing skills in order to enable them to publish their work in international journals. You will also learn how an academic presentation should be given. Basically, you will do a very similar course to the one we offer PhD students (‘English for Scientific Communication’). You will then have access to all the course materials, which you can then tailor to your own needs.
The online courses, via Zoom, are designed to be as equally interactive as the ‘in person’ courses.
This is achieved through the use of Breakout Rooms, where students can be divided into small groups to discuss their presentations and collaborate on written exercises. Students are required to have their video on the whole time which makes for a much more intimate lesson, yet at the same time they feel ‘protected’ by their screen. The students thus seem to have a greater sense of responsibility, both to the teacher and to each other.
The face-to-face courses enable students to experience an authentic simulation of an oral presentation: body language, physical position, direction of gaze and modulation of the volume of the voice during an oral presentation, and handling a Q&A session effectively.
With regard to writing a scientific article, the face-to-face courses facilitate the teacher in moving round the class checking exercises and giving suggestions.
The advantages of online lessons and the direct contact of face-to-face lessons can be combined into a hybrid learning course.
Adrian Wallwork has fifteen years of experience teaching academic / scientific English to PhD students primarily at universities in Italy, but with students from over 40 countries. He has held courses and presented at conferences in China, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.
He is the main author of the English for Academic Research series for Springer. He has written English language courses for Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, BBC, BEP, and Scholastic; as well as manuals on the use of English for De Agostini, Rizzoli and Vallardi.